by Nancy Radice | Jan 15, 2021 | Solaris Blog
SOLARIS BLOG January 2021 New Moon The new moon in Gate 61, Inner Truth, calls for us to continue to do some inner visioning for ourselves. It is a time for true introspection, but also a visioning for the future. This is not a time to be putting plans in motion just...
by Nancy Radice | Dec 13, 2020 | Solaris Blog
SOLARIS BLOG December 2020 New Moon This year is coming to a close and as we look back we see that the central themes have all been about finding our own inner truth. It has been a real year of transformation and letting go on many levels. And this week falls right in...
by Nancy Radice | Nov 15, 2020 | Solaris Blog
SOLARIS BLOG November 2020 New Moon The new moon is in Gate 43, the gate of Insight or Breakthrough. Take some time today or this week to notice what awarenesses want to come to the surface. You may have the opportunity to share your insights with others or it may be...
by Nancy Radice | Oct 16, 2020 | Solaris Blog
SOLARIS BLOG Keeping Yourself Centered This new moon invites us to consider what can and cannot be transformed. We are asked to adapt to the now moment and adjust to the needs of those around us. But at the same time, not lose sight of the principles we hold near and...
by Nancy Radice | Sep 30, 2020 | Solaris Blog
SOLARIS BLOG Pearl of Wisdom This has been a rough week energetically. I’ve been treating one anxiety case after another. Lots of energy building up that has nowhere to go! It’s hard not to want to speak out about what we think others should be doing right now or what...
by Nancy Radice | Sep 12, 2020 | Solaris Blog
SOLARIS BLOG Mindset Matters Mindset matters! This week the sun is in Gate 47, the gate of Realization. We are reminded this week that while we can’t find the answers to our life with our minds, we can use our minds to put us in the right direction. When faced with...