I Let Spirit Be My Guide

I Let Spirit Be My Guide

SOLARIS BLOG I Let Spirit Be My Guide My new mantra is “I let spirit be my guide”. This is especially true this week with the sun in gate 53, the gate of Beginnings or Development. We might be feeling extra driven to push forward. But we have to ask ourselves if the...
Hexagram of Contemplation

Hexagram of Contemplation

SOLARIS BLOG Hexagram of Contemplation The ancient Masters were profound and subtle. Their wisdom was unfathomable. There is no way to describe it; all we can describe is their appearance. They were careful as someone crossing an iced-over stream. Alert as a warrior...
Great Possibilities

Great Possibilities

SOLARIS BLOG Great Possibilities Clearly these are times of great adversity. But the more we can accept the “bad” with the “good”, the more we can open ourselves to greater possibilities. It’s about learning to become resourceful with the circumstances that lay before...
Intuitive Insight

Intuitive Insight

SOLARIS BLOG Intuitive Insight The energies of this full moon in gate 57 (intuitive insight) and sun in gate 51 (shock) invite us to check in with those places we feel unease and fear. It is from these places that we tend to lash out especially now that spring has...
Anxiety and Fear

Anxiety and Fear

SOLARIS BLOG Anxiety and Fear How are you doing with your anxiety and fear these days? It affects all of us on some level and those of us who are sensitive are definitely picking it up in the collective even if we know it’s not ours because we are all connected. We...