Access Consciousness Bars


Access Consciousness Bars


Release Limitations in Your Life

If you are interested in having more consciousness in your life, this is the treatment for you! Access Bars is a powerful addition to your acupuncture treatments or any other healing modality you’re already working with. Through gentle touch, this treatment releases the electromagnetic charge of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, or beliefs—present and past—allowing for more freedom in your life choices. If you find yourself feeling stuck in your life and repeating bad patterns, Access Bars can help break down those barriers to begin a new life path of your choice.

access bars

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Access Bars work?

There are 32 points on the head that have become an energetic dumping ground for all of our experiences thus far. When these points are released and cleared, the energy can flow freely, giving you more awareness and choice in your life. Running energy through these bars releases the electrical charge that holds all thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, or beliefs you have ever stored or decided were important. You will then see how these things may have been holding you back from living the life you want to live.

What are the benefits of a Bars session?

  • Releases stress
  • Allows for restful sleep
  • Improves focus
  • Improves learning
  • Changes behaviors
  • Expands awareness
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Helps to calm the mind
  • Improve health/body issues

How long is a session?

On average a session is between an hour and an hour and a half.

access bars

© Access Consciousness

What can I expect?

We will start by asking the question “If there was one thing you’d like to change about your life, what would that be?” From there we start to reveal some beliefs you may be holding on to and proceed to clear those beliefs. You will lay face-up on a comfy massage table while I gently hold the different points. At the least you will have a beautiful relaxing experience like you just had a great massage. At best, you will feel like you’ve been completely transformed feeling like a great weight has been lifted.

Twenty years ago I was introduced to NET and I had a few treatments each year with another practitioner. But she moved away and in my search for a new practitioner, I found Nancy (about 2 years ago). I came to her feeling fatigued and sick and really not happy with my life at all. She suggested we do a Bars session. I can honestly say that the first Bars session was life-altering for me. I had not felt that good in 10 years. We worked on some shame that I had been carrying for a long time. NET confirmed that clearing suppressed childhood trauma offered better physical and emotional health. But then the Bars accelerated this, and only after a few treatments! I was able to shed 50 lbs., move to a new city (which had been a long-time goal of mine), and most importantly disengage from someone who had a stealth controlling hold over me. There’s no more emotion around it and no more taking it personally. At 60 years old now, I only wish I had done this sooner!

Nancy offers a safe environment and is an excellent guide as you go through this process. Today I am so joyful and excited about the future. And I am most grateful to Nancy for her dedication to healing. Thank you Nancy!

Kira S.